Calculate the molality, using the change in boiling point (or freezing point) and the elevation (or depression)  constant. Question: What two factors affect the boiling point of water? To the water in the flask, add 22.5 mL ethylene glycol (Density=1.10 g/mL) and 3 or 4 boiling Does Molecular Mass Greatly Affect Boiling and Melting Points? As the density increases it is more likely to be in the solid state. (a) what is the correct temperature when it read 60 degree Celsius. How does molar mass affect the state of matter? Find the moles of solute from molality by multiplying by the kg of solvent. Determine the change in boiling  point temperature (solution and pure solvent). Adding 1 gram of sugar, or any other substance that does not create ions, increases the boiling point of a liter of water by 0.94 degrees Fahrenheit above its normal 212 degrees Fahrenheit. 1. A solid understanding of molality helps you to calculate changes in boiling and freezing points. How does molar mass affect melting point of a solid? Concepts explored throughout the conduction of the experiment included solutions, colligative properties, vapor pressure, freezing point, boiling point, molality and molar mass. Our experts can answer your tough homework and study questions. The intermolecular force affected by mass is Van Der Waals’. Heavier molecules means that there are more atoms that compose it or the atoms that compose it are heavier. Top Answer. Asked by Wiki User. Some factors are: intermolecular forces, molecular mass and branching. Physics. , Molar Mass from Boiling Point Elevation or Freezing Point Depression. Waters high boiling point is due to the high number of hydrogen bonds each molecule can have relative to its low molecular mass. Example 1   Molar Mass from Boiling Point Elevation.