All rights reserved. I have a Lightsail Plesk Instance running with one website attached. There are three methods for performing these tasks: Method 1: Use AWS Systems Manager Session Manager to log in to the instance and make corrections. I tried going through the steps again and again a bust. I'd like to SFTP into the directory, either via WinSCP or Putty. That was also using the root account to access. You're trying to connect using the wrong user name for your AMI. How can I use the AWSSupport-TroubleshootSSH Automation workflow to troubleshoot SSH connection issues? If the signature of the SSH public key isn't present in the output, update the authorized_keys file to allow your SSH key. The key made by putty starts with ssh-rsa. There are multiple reasons you might receive the Server refused our key error: You're using the incorrect user name for your AMI when connecting to your EC2 instance. On your local computer, verify the SSH public key. You get paid, we donate to tech non-profits. 6. One difference is the command to close was “Esc, :, w, q, Enter” That did not work so I looked it up and SHIFT + Z + Z saves the file and closes it. However as you may have guessed SSH hates me :(, The key I used previously started with SSH-RSA. cd ~ That being said, the easiest method of deploying SSH keys is to simply deploy them with the server so that you don’t need to physically add the initial one (for the root user). Google Cloud Platform - SSH Connection Refused. I go back through the steps further and decide to delete the .ssh folder entirely (via FTP) and start again with root and the commands: mkdir ~/.ssh There are permissions issues on the instance or you're missing a directory. Choose Actions, Instance settings, View/Change User Data. Choose the private key that you downloaded from your Droplet. Append the SSH public key to the user data script as shown in the following example. How do I resolve this? I followed your steps but when it comes to saving it fails and the below error is displayed. The only thing I can think of would be that you didn’t convert from PuTTY to OpenSSH. Thank you so much for this question., DigitalOcean makes it simple to launch in the cloud and scale up as you grow – whether you’re running one virtual machine or ten thousand. ‘Server refused our key’ on Vultr instance – What this means? No supported authentication methods left to try! I receive the message 'Server Refused Our Key'. 4. SSH hates me and the commenting system now hates me because I wrote a detailed reply and it decided to mark it as spam. Amazon EC2 ” Server refused our key” Few days before I have started quick a Amazon server setup for hosting a new ruby project. This clears up the Filezilla rejecting the transfer even though correctly logged in. The permissions are incorrect on the instance. I have two users who are only ftp users I set them up using [this guide ]( Hi, By using putty generator I generate a publicssh key and privatessh key and i copied and pasted the created publickey in the directory .ssh,while configured privatekey in putty terminal in client while im login in using private key … How you’d go about setting it up really depends on whether you’re trying to set it up for root or for a non-root user. I follow the tutorial: Write for DigitalOcean ssh - 접속안됨 - server refused our key aws putty SSHD 권한이 올바른 것 같지만 오류가 인증 된 키를 열 수 없음 (6) unable to ssh in to the instance. Note: The preceding user data script is set to run on every reboot of the instance. What you’ll see once the key is generated is: Now, we’ll add the key to authorized_keys. I go to connect and no lucky, big fat “Server refused our key” If your instance is … Mother f… I thought maybe I screwed up when I created the .ssh folder so I deleted it and created it again using root.. yeah no still failed. The keys were created using PuTTy Key Gen. Unable to connect to S3 when running Talend job as lambda. ... Server refused our key's password: It appeared after I changed permission of /home/centos since I wanted to view some files inside home/centos/.local folder. I can create files and delete them, I cannot create directories though. If you run into issues leave a comment, or add your own answer to help others. Now I understand what mean ~ = root. Server refused our key - AWS. The following instructions to convert openssh key (generated with ssh-keygen) to ppk worked for me. When the message “Server refused our key” appears and connection cannot be established Check the following points. Unable to SSH Google Cloud Engine instance through gcloud & Putty from Windows 10. Is it possible to configure an sftp user for uploading and editing but NOT downloading files? In this example, ec2-user is the user name. Server refused our key (AWS) - Putty. Method 2: Run the AWSSupport-TroubleshootSSH Automation procedure. 4 days ago You’ll be prompted for a save location, use: Choose a passphrase when prompted; confirm it. I … I did this multiple times to get it to work and always using the root account. Every time I go to putty to ssh in, I get a "server refused our key" message and then I am asked to enter in my password. 7. That’ll get you setup for root. the full explanation is available at If you still have your key rejected despite having all of the permissions and ownership set correctly, you may need to change the user’s password from the default “locked” (which is a hash that is or starts with !) Verify that the SSH private key matches the private key you see in the Key Name column for your EC2 instance in the console. server refused our key ec2 user AWS How to start EC2 instance Alllocation of fixed IP address ec2 private key issues. You can type !ref in this text area to quickly search our I would like to change their default permissions when creating... Building out a platform that has a number of systems that will each need authentication. That didn’t work either. You get paid; we donate to tech nonprofits. It is possible the there is no Key pair associated with your instance yet. Copy the following user data script into the View/Change User Data dialog box, and then choose Save. I made sure I used the OpenSSH key to paste into this nano ~/.ssh/authorized_keys A sure I thought I would try. For a list of valid user names, see Troubleshooting Connecting to Your Instance - Error: Server Refused our key or No supported authentication methods available. 4. Finally SSH! Supporting each other to make an impact. Here, the public key is placed on the Vultr instance while the private key is placed on the user’s computer. I don’t know what to do, why is SSH not easy to setup, I want it to be secure but no lets make it stupidly hard! Event Log: Server also has ecdsa-sha2-nistp256/ssh-rsa host keys, but we don't know any of them Event Log: Host key fingerprint is: Event Log: ssh-ed25519 256 6a:48:a7:a3:11:fe:78:60:98:48:ef:b9:f0:cf:ab:45 Outgoing packet #0x2, type 21 / 0x15 (SSH2_MSG_NEWKEYS) Event Log: Initialised AES-256 SDCTR client->server encryption Event … If so, just to troubleshoot from a different perspective, I would log in to the Droplet and then generate a key on the server. Hope it helps. I am being more concise in this comment at least. 7. Or that you’re connecting with a wrong private key, after you’ve added the public key to the server. Instance termination in this scenario depends on the. Are you sure you want to replace the current answer with this one? These answers are provided by our Community. I was curious if I created a file with the name name_of_key then possibly it could somehow help it just write to the file. Server Refused our key error:while login putty. If you’re on Windows, it’s a little different depending on what you use to log in. 4 days ago How to describe a ECS cluster with AWS CLI? Thank you thank you thank you thank!! Server refused our key (AWS) - Putty. For all other users, it does and you need to set proper permissions on those directories. I have to be doing something wrong. Append the SSH public key to the user data script as shown in the following example. This usually means that the server is not configured to accept this key to authenticate this user. PuTTYgenで鍵生成後、public keyの内容が下記のようだとserver refused our keyとなります。----BEGIN SSH2 PUBLIC KEY ----Comment: "rsa-key-20160208"XXXXXX From there, the steps for a user are generally the same, but the directory paths differ. Still get the failed message. The start of the key is "ssh-rsa” 3… 4 days ago Create a service that uses an external deployment controller. Just throwing it out there for anyone who may have a similar issue in the future: I always forget to set file permissions properly when I set up ssh for a new user on my server. I am using a windows to access the server via PuTTY. I tried this last year and gave up, thought I would give it a crack. RSA key login worked for me. Thank you again. On your local computer, verify the SSH public key. Additionally, check that the correct user:group is assigned. Choose Browse and select the .ppk file that you generated for your key pair and choose Open. I'm receiving "Permission denied (publickey)" or "Authentication failed, permission denied" errors when trying to access my Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance. 6. An EC2 instance is a virtual server (Just like our computer, but in the cloud) in Amazon’s Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) for running applications on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) infrastructure. So my first question would be, what OS are you using (MacOS or Windows)? This is because you haven't copied your public key to the remote server or haven't done it properly. Permissions of the .ssh directory and the authorized_keys file The permission of .ssh should be 700, and the permission of authorized_keys should be 600. No seriously freaking THANK YOU!! I can easily accomplish this with my SSH Key from LightSail account and the ubuntu username (no password). 4 days ago How to delete an empty ECS cluster using AWS CLI? 3. It’s like I don’t have rights to create the files. Yep I assumed for SSH stuff I would need root to be safe. I tried setting it all up again, deleting the authorized_keys to be even more sure. This will save the ppk file for the ec2 server that you are trying to connect. Recent in AWS. It's a best practice to use an Elastic IP address instead of a public IP address when routing external traffic to your instance. Instance store data is lost when an instance is stopped and started. I’m a go grumble over here and be incredibly appreciative of any help lol. Started to build out an OpenLDAP... Hello Digital Ocean Community - I signed in using root. I must be doing something wrong or have the wrong configuration but I'm not sure what it is. to an “impossible” hash (assuming you don’t want the user to log in with a password) with usermod -p "*" username. This method updates permissions and injects your SSH public key into the authorized_keys file. Open puttygen and click on Conversions => Import Key. root@www:~# grub-install /dev/vda I have no idea why the tutorial is using vim or even sudo. I then tried again going through the console on the site to see if that would work and still no luck. Ok, just to confirm, the string that’s in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys does start with either: … correct? Contribute to Open Source. I try to create a directory in that .ssh folder and it won’t allow me too. The website is live and serving as expected. I can’t believe it was /root/.ssh/ that caused all of this. The fates are conspiring against me here. root@www:~# sed -i 's/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="panic=5 /' /etc/default/grub Server refused our key If you see this message, it means that WinSCP has sent a public key to the server and offered to authenticate with it, and the server has refused to accept authentication. I’ve been at this an hour and just cannot get SSH to bloody work. If you connect to your instance using SSH and get any of the following errors, Host key not found in [directory], Permission denied (publickey), Authentication failed, permission denied, or Connection closed by [instance] port 22, verify that you are connecting with the appropriate user name for your AMI and that you have specified the proper private key (.pem) file for your instance. I then try to use FTP to create a file called name_of_key and it is created. touch ~/.ssh/authorized_keys It’s an extra step, but many programs use PuTTy key format (such as FileZilla). "Permission denied (publickey)" and "Authentication failed, permission denied" errors occur if: Verify that you're using the correct user name for your AMI. I know how to chroot (jail) a user to a folder, but now i need a user to be able to upload and edit but not download files (is this possible). 2. Hacktoberfest When you log in to the server to add the public key, do you do that as root? Get the latest tutorials on SysAdmin and open source topics. Definitely I would relay on the AMI provided by Amazon for my small instance type ( ami-76f0061f ). I catch it and solved through this topic. Server refused our key. If the signature of the SSH public key isn't present in the output, then append the correct key to the user data script that you created in step 5 (if the signature matches, then you can skip this step). Key based authentication is a secure way to access the server. 1. How can I connect to my Amazon EC2 instance if I lost my SSH key pair after its initial launch? Open Putty, in the Category pane, expand Connection, expand SSH, and then choose Auth. Click here to return to Amazon Web Services homepage, Troubleshooting Connecting to Your Instance - Error: Server Refused our key or No supported authentication methods available. Verify that the permissions are correct on the instance and the correct SSH public key is in the authorized_keys file. If logged in as root, that’d be /root/.ssh, so to save a key, you’d use: If you’re creating a key as a user, then it’d be the users’ home directory plus .ssh. After genning a new key, making sure I didn’t accidentally remove any of the first characters in the cut and paste of the public key (great hint btw), I found this: In putty, under File, SiteManager, Advanced tab, click “UNIX” for server type. To validate this go to your instance from ... permission our … Failed too. This is an amazing post thank you so much for the detailed answers. Transfer Files to AWS EC2 Instance. I read that in their latest update they do SSH-2 as standard so they call it RSA instead. 5. 1 day ago How to create a new service in ECS cluster behind a load balancer? Stopping and starting the instance changes the public IP address of your instance. So I created the key using that. It’s like it doesn’t have permission to create the file or something. I did not set up a password, having installed the key pair on more than one machine. I first want to say thank you very much for being so incredibly patient and detailed in your replies! I tried it via PuTTy and via the website console. chmod 0700 ~/.ssh Are you sure you want to unaccept it? Ah nano is so much easier to use. I go to Generate and save the two files. Hi there, Thank you for opening an issue. We'd like to help. Your public key should exist in the authorized_keys file of the user account you used to login to the remote server. Change the user name according to your specific AMI. Please note that we try to keep the Terraform issue tracker reserved for bug reports and feature requests. Method 3: Use a user data script to repair SSH permissions and add the correct SSH public key to the authorized_keys file. How you log in also depends on your OS. If you find them useful, show some love by clicking the heart. 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