Free time? Run, run, run. Being a good acoustic operator is like interpreting the matrix. You'll just have an instructor watching you to make sure you don't fuck it away. LaDR stands for Learning and Development Roadmap. Good luck! AIRR is rescue swimmers (or just swimmers for short) and its associated ratings are AWR and sometimes AWS. I am in a rate that is seriously overmanned, and I … First off, I'm not an AWO - I'm an AT, so my perspective is that of a maintainer, but I have obviously worked very closely with the aircrew in my squadron and believe that I at least have some insight into what life would be like as an AWO for p3s/p8s. If you want to get out after your initial 6 year enlistment, get your degree while you're active or pick a different job. The people who get dropped are the ones who study but don't know a method that works for them or wait until the night/morning before a test to study. Thanks for the response. Comments(6) 35680 Views In the Navy, they call their enlisted jobs ratings. The Aircrew Program is a six-year enlistment program guaranteeing initial assignment as a flight crewmember in a fixed wing, helicopter or Unmanned Aerial … Message me if you'd like to know soecifics. Pushing you physically is just the best way to test that mental toughness. An AWV, for instance, has to understand how to operate all avionics equipment, but also needs to memorize signal flows and troubleshooting steps. Notes: AWO - Naval Aircrewmen - Operator - E5 Page 3 of 43 If you're an AWS, you go to this school. I think I have some idea from talking to my AW buddies, but what is the frequency/length/locations of your deployments? Any info or guidance would be greatly appreciated. Can't really speak on them only that is sounds dope. I've heard your days are subject to the flight schedule but relatively stable. The other AWs on this sub can likely attest to this too. Feel free to PM me. I just (9JAN17) learned that EWOP is indeed being rolled into AWO. In regard to curriculum it's basic concepts and overviews at first then in detail throughout later chapters. Damn this ended up being way longer than I anticipated. In summary enjoy Pensacola and get off base often, the beaches are beautiful and in the summer the weather is pretty great. Dry aircrew only: You won't ever ever be on a boat. A school length depends on your rate. Dry crewmen are pretty much done with being tested physically after the graduation of NACCS (which we will cover later), but literally never stop learning. AWFs, for instance, are in short supply and are frequently on duty as the "duty FE", which involves being available for engine turns, etc for a 24 hr period. Im not kidding you, there is always a PQS after the next and another Instructor Qual you can receive. It is all mental work. You've got to naturally have a knack for this, you've got to work damned hard, and you've got to be in good shape. There you'll learn the basics of how sound works underwater and how we use it to our advantage. It's A LOT of info, which covers a bunch of other maintenance focused rates' curriculum in a shorter amount of time. Also don't loose contact, not sure what it is; I've read about it in a book once and it sounds pretty bad. Wash, Rinse, Repeat forever. The certification or license must have relevance to the needs of the Navy, and must appear on Navy COOL, although it does not need to show the Navy Bucks icon to be funded. 6-year PO1 here planning to submit a lateral conversion package once I'm within 12 mo of my PRD. This is an amazing peek into a part of the Navy I know nothing about and I appreciate the time it took to write all this. But don't want to beat the dead horse. Even though you could do 40 more push-ups, you might fail where the other dude passes. This leads to all the Skype calls or whatever the kids use these days to your hearts content. AWO A school is about 4 months long if I remember right. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. NACCS is the most common place to have a long hold because it's the first school. Swimmers will be in the pool quite often for their entire careers and will need to maintain that high level of physical ability forever. The day to day hoo-yah bullshit of tons and tons of push-ups and nonstop running in aircrew school is there to test your mental fortitude, not your physical prowess. In my opinion AWV will be removed in the next 5 years and EWOP will be rolled into AWO. AW A School: (AWR and AWO) Next you'll go to AW "A" School, also in Pensacola. I'd recommend trying to get AWO over AWF because they are a dying rate. 0$1$*($1$9<&$5((5:,7+1$9