This can be clumsiness, daydreaming, forgetfulness – all the traits you would expect from someone who is constantly living between two drastically different worlds. Sometime when I don’t know what to do I’ll get this moment…one second everything is unclear, the next it’s like things shift and I suddenly know what to do. I call on my ancestors for daily guidance. I have the craziest lump on my hand it’s shrunk a little as I got older started to notice it a lot more when listening to my intuition there lots of circles around it too. I would tell people things and they would get freaked out. Empathy. Natural Born Witch Marks . Psychic- Someone who is mentally, emotionally or spiritually sensitive to … Witches' Mark: Do You Have Any of these Witch's Marks on Skin or Palms? I am learning that there were indeed witches and healers in my family. When she was a child she felt the sorrow of the people in the earthquake in Haiti, and woke up shaking and bawling because “there were a lot of people hurting and they are scared because they can’t find their families”. . Resume: I died in the day of my father day i was 15. Oh and the clumsiness I have down. Never have met an animal that didn’t like me while being mean to other people. I grew up in a house haunted by family and once my daughter was born we have been haunted ever since. As well as the healers mark, fear of burning and old soul eyes. I stopped at the doorway when exciting though and looked around. I lost my left eye at 14 months of age. I fell of a bus in my elementary school days. We all knew we had gifts we keeper hidden, from my Pentecostal Grandfather and his church. It was natural. I mean real evil. Is this because your head and soul are elsewhere from your body? And my saying is this: Do you stir my cauldron? The reason for this is in the origin of tattooing. Their shared dream of providing others with spiritual knowledge and the ability to unite soul groups has made their website the hub of activity and authority it is today. I had unusual red marks on my forehead in the shape of wings when I was born and those same marks still appear from time to time. I can not see them. now, in my late 50’s i am welcoming the honor it is to have these gifts . I have several crosses on both my index fingers, I have the loop on my left hand (which is my most powerful hand when it comes to prana, reiki, or however you prefer calling that energy) but not on my right, I believe I have the lines under the pinkies. Lately ive been feeling stronger like my magic is growing and have that feeling of a rush energy flowing inside of me. I feel things all the time and when I go against what I sense it’s always wrong. And I have learned I have extra bones in my body, my mother as well, and my grandson was born with 2 extra fingers and an extra toe and me and him are very close. Sometimes I advice sick people of what they will do get better but me myself doesn’t know where all those advices come from and they get better. You might want to read up on starseeds too. As for being a witch, well I already know I am. Witches don’t always look like the Owens Sisters from Practical Magic or Sanderson Sisters from Hocus Pocus. Heather, too funny! I’ve got the healers marks and am currently a nurse but also dabbled in natural healing with oils and riki. Two five-thousand-year-old ancient Egyptian mummies were unearthed and found with tattoos on their skin. It feels a bit silly. Aug 24, 2018 - Could I be a witch? She may have psychic abilities, or feel that the dead are existing close by on another plane. They said that I was a witch in my passed life. I have the eyes . (NOT a Reading), Otherworldly Oracle’s FaceBook Group for witches, pagans, and paranormal enthusiasts here. I never argue with people about politics and RELIGION, mainly because I always felt that being a witch is no ones buisness but my own and those who share my beliefs. And that is what I’m afraid of, since the word witch to most means we are evil. It’s strange. This is where you have three or more vertical lines on your palm, directly beneath the pinky finger. I understood a lot of things and knew about a lot of things that kids shouldn’t know about. Wow your comment caught my eye not only for many similarities we share but the major one is the joke you mentioned on your left arm pit! I have a large birthmark on my leg that I have always referred to as a “torture” mark. I Dont know why but I’m drawn to your comment and name I would enjoy talking to you my email is hope this isnt too strange . A girl pinched me in high school and caused a bruise for a week. This mark from a past life was given to you as part of initiation or potentially in torture after being accused or executed as a witch. A person could just say a name or talk about someone they are dating etc…If i do neet one i have absolutely no compunction of telling them with my eyes that i know what they are about. Here is a round up of 13 … I am told I have a deep but far away gaze that makes me sweet unless I’m angry. Sort of like your veins are a physical manifestation of what’s in your soul. I’m curious about freckles. I have the palm markings, I’m at my most relaxed while in nature and I’ve always had a heightened sense of feelings. Wow! I have also a birthsign on my leg ,a knife. One of the physical signs of being a witch that often persists from a past life is knobbly knees, where the bones and ligaments are a bit misshapen. But I am really curious about the formation of the moles. I have searched and cannot get any information about this type of mark on the bottom of my foot. When I was a little girl, my parents were watching a documentary about Salem. Past Life Connections – Why You Are Cosmically Intertwined, Why Am I Waking Up At 2:22? what does it mean when you have a red mole on your breast. I think that it’s very awesome . Discovering I have physical traits of being a reincarnated natural witch just rings so true for me and is actually a big relief! Good luck to you all…Blessed Be! At 48 I’m secure in who I am but it’s been a long journey. I have a tiny horseshoe on my left lower abdomen and a small red cross on my left lower, inner arm. I am a nurse too and since childhood days i feel that I am already destined to be healer all my life. Crazy huh? Within one of my eyes, there I have a coal black dOt and gold around that. That cracks me up, it enters a room ahead of me announcing me like a Harold….I get a kick out of that for some reason lol. I have gardened since I was a child, and mostly grow herbs all year long in my home. I have a gift of knowing family members who have passed on, like pictures in my memory they would pop up. Good luck and welcome! This can be a sign of past religious or spiritual lives. […] Here are MORE Physical Signs of a Witch […], I have a birth mark that looks like pinched skin it looked like a four sided star but not perfect shaped, I have all these signs and have such wrinkly hands I have some that aren’t even listed here, but mostly I’ve known as a child I am a witch and have been because I was born on Halloween. My eyes also change colours. I have them all. I have 3 lines under my pinky on my right hand . I have the Orion constellation on my left arm too. My eyes are large, brown with black, green blue, gold lines running through them. I’m trying to figure out just now (I’m almost 22) if I want to practice. LoL. 8. We just have to be authentic to who we are. For most of my adult life I have felt that there is a Great Goddess that I/we should be worshiping in addition to God. I haven’t checked their hands, but I will. Witches are old souls, having reincarnated for centuries. But i never know if they happened….. LOL! I have a lot of empathy. I was an odd child in general. When I lost that, I’d follow a grass hopper for a while. He loves them:) The cashier was a nice woman, little older than me but there was something about her. I do carry all the physical signs which I honestly didn’t know about till today except for the extra nipple sign. Though I’m not advanced there. If you’re on FaceBook, I have a group called Otherworldly Oracle who have people of like mind. Be Blessed. I now have time to study! Experts advise that there are 5 specific signs to watch out for on the palm that would indicate that one is a witch. I glance over greet The woman “Cleta” and figure “no problem, I could use a little mommy break and enjoy my book”. I could go on and on. I have a birth mark on my lower right leg of a four leaf clover. According to witch-hunters during the height of the witch trials, the witches' mark or devil's mark (not to be confused with a witches' teat) indicated that an individual was a witch.The beliefs about the mark differ depending on the trial location and the accusation made against the witch. Your palms can also serve as the key to discovering if you are a born witch. A month ago I feel asleep on our couch and dream’t I got up to use the bathroom and once I exited the bathroom I was yanked from the back of my hair towards my bedroom door way, which was right next to the bathroom. Standing on a cliff overlooking the ocean and me just spinning, happy as a lark. I have felt so for many years and been afraid to say it out loud for the ridicule and rejection I would receive. I will start to I have a horrible mole on the leftside of my jawbone and I have bakers cysts behind noth my knees.. I dont see color arias (I keep trying to though) I see people as bright inside or dull or dark, shades vary, I have been told my aria is huge around me. You wrote, and someone remarked that it was unbiblical, “Witchcraft is also not limited to the living, but also the souls of the dead who have made a pact with Satan can use astral travel to harass the living with witchcraft.” I have an extra nip (that’s my birthmark) and I’m covered in tattoos that are of true meaning to me (mostly butterflies). But you should not take these purely physical signs as total confirmation just yet. It was a bit creep! I always felt them to be in conflict and pagan, and therefore satanic. I have so many of these signs. Signs You Might Be a Witch. I would love to find out my “ abilities” so I can determine what I am. We were both healers in one during a time of war before they took us apart from each other. Tattoos are amulets and talismans to a witch. If you feel it resonates, then look into witchcraft further. Many witches also have large, penetrating eyes that are almost alien-like. My hands also get hot. I hear it smelled bad. loved it. My daughter can also describe what you look like just by talking to you over the phone, and she also do spells without even knowing she’s doing it. Very few friends, drawn to the night and natural way of living. The Hidden or Secret Cross Usually considered the most potent of all the palm signs, the Mystic or Secret Cross is an X-shaped mark placed between the lines of the head and the heart. I know I am a witch but I have never known anyone else to have the back of the skull/neck birthmark. We’re also grateful for the wisdom imparted upon us by more experienced witches. If people often mistakenly think you are lost in thought, it could be because of this. I see my palm says a healer.. help any ideas. The next week that store burned down. There would be times where I thought that I could control fire and what’s interesting is that fire follows me at times. I have had dreams of love one talking to me the night or the very hour he or she is letting go of the last breathe. Having tattoos that hold deep symbolic meaning can indicate a witch. For this reason, they tend to have “old soul eyes.” These give them a permanent air of wisdom and deep intuition, as well as being captivating to anyone who locks eyes. Im clumsiness a lot and im feeling i cant not feat in this world. Thank you so much! I have many healing signs on both hands under my pinky. I luv creating my own potions and oils etc… It’d be awesome to live in a house like the one on Practical Magicka…and own a little witchypoO shop like that of the film…, This was a great insight for me, I have big green eyes and was born red hair, I have a birth mark next to my heart, I was born on a full moon, I have the 3 lines under my pinkie. !, Candice you struck a cord in me.. reading what you wrote was like speaking my true self. The quartz he used is pretty big and nearly clear and he let my boyfriend hold it. I always wondered about it too. The doctor just cut the extra skin off. The article addressed the fake marks people used to use to try and find witches. And on my left arm I have one that looks like a fish or an arrow head and another that looks like a hat or a car. My eyes change colors with my moods. I was born with severe Atopic eczema, have memories as far back as 3years old in this life, have most of the signs of both natural born witch and Shaman. Hi Romelia! And speaking of extra fingers I was almost born with an extra pinky but a bone nor nail never grew in it. I’ve known for a long time now that I’m a witch everything I read just helps to confirm it (plus I’m a dreaded ginger so there’s that too lol). Kash and Susan both had childhood spiritual awakenings that led them to see past the 3D veil at a young age. We are a family, where all are loved, welcomed and accepted. I have he exact same birth mark and I have all the telltale signs of being a witch. My grandmother would know/sense things before it would happen. 3 marks under ||| my pinky fingers Posted in witches & witchcraft, tagged physical characteristics of a witch, the mark of a witch, witch's marks on September 27, 2008| Leave a Comment » The witch is one of the scariest figures of fiction, particularly fairy tales. I absolutely love the forest and I feel at peace there. However, I am not saying one has to completely block out the other. I was labeled “overly sensitive” as a child (after a trauma in childhood) and I started feeling emotions, sensing and seeing spirits after that. Last year, I went to AZ, we had Ravens follow us after that…we live in SC…they dont live here…there is a pair that is here now. Blessed Be. Witches have the ability to heal, and so many witches carry this palm sign. Small instances but I’ve always wondered if it was possible for me to be a witch or something? Im totally thrilled now, i have clarity. Illustration of a White Witch. Maybe I can get some answers there too. I have bring home ghosts often and so do many of my children. In the post it says witches could be old souls, or reincarnations from other worlds or indigo and crystal childs .-. I don’t have all of them either…I’m kind of a cross btwn a Shaman & a Witch. I can also feel other people pain, and I can heal people just by rubbing and putting all of my Entergy in my hands. Get more into healing herbs, learning to cook with fresh from your garden herbs. I do feel most close to Earth. Witches who get tattoos today are following a tradition followed by their kind for thousands of years, and in doing so, unlock the power of their ancestors. This is good to know. During my early 20’s I went to a grocery store one day where someone working there was really rude to me. – Check Our List Of Traits. With so much more going on than meets the eye of the onlooker, it should be expected that a witch might neglect to appear prim and proper. What a honor to be among such outstanding people, or sisters. Nature, animals and water call to me with a powerful force. I have a round dark birth mark on my left ankle just above my foot. While not strictly a physical characteristic, a witch can often be seen in a state of disarray. I had someone tell me that I was a witch…I was like whaaa. Well, they may not have hooked noses, green faces and warts, not even the dark witches, but they do believe in magic! My mother told me I was born old that I never acted like a child. I love the country and animals and live on a farm. I’ve never really felt like I’ve belonged. Even when I was 2 or three years old. Do you have the healer’s mark on your palm known as the Samaritan sign? This is sometimes referred to as “prayer knees”, as they look to be caused by kneeling and praying constantly. It use to scare me but now it’s like preparing me to what is going to happen. This is because many modern-day witches are indigo and crystal children – souls that have incarnated here from other dimensions and star systems. Since growing up like that, I stayed away, but I’ve began to practice psychic abilities. The man who was my primary abuser eventually died of stomach cancer-he literally decomposed from the inside out while still alive. Stay out in nature, you need to be near the elements. i have had dreams that pretty much showed me that i was a witch. The woman’s tattoos are thought to signify her magical knowledge and abilities. It is indeed my spirit animal. Never considered myself a witch though. I would love to know if any of this means anything to you. While I don’t remember it much (I was about 6 or 7) I do remember the dread I felt and I became hysterical and told my parents that I never wanted to go back there. I also have a mole on my collar bone that all the women on my mother’s side have, it’s on the collar bone on each of us. I have wanted meaningful tattoo symbols but working in corporate american when I was young – it was prohibited. After reading the article, I also have many of the attributes. Well, first off my name glenda aka ( good witch of the north). I have “seen things” ahead of time, at the present, from the past and startled and scared people by what I’ve seen. #signs. I have meet my ancestors in my dreams. A good place to start is to check the characteristics of Crystal, Indigo and Rainbow Children, as many a witch today incarnates as one of those. As for the sensing things with hands, it’s a form of clairsentience. I am only now starting my journey….and I am looking forward to where I end up…I am a traveling Registered Nurse…so here I go! I have always grown plants in my home outside in a flower garden. We all have always had dreams of thing to come, deaths, sickness, people in need, or just need us to talk. I could leave my body. It may happen without me realizing it. Palm signs don’t indicate that you’re a … it would be so great. I do know that I am clumsy and drop things a lot, I bruise easily and often have bruises on my knees -out of the blue-, I have tattoos that I made as reminders and amulets. And sometimes I get made fun of thru my life because of my ability to smell death. For instance, having an odd birthmark doesn’t mean you’re a witch. As witches are bridges of duality, the signs of witchhood require an "as above, so below" approach. I can remember things before I was born, as my mommy going to visit some aunties, but aunties I never met in live in places I´ve never been; well I was there but I was still a fetus in my momma´s belly .-. Nothing dangerous, thankfully. I have A birthmark on my left hand from my thumb to almost pointer finger in the shape of Africa. Whether its healing or relationship help, the SU mission is to help every soul find their path. Even if there were, they wouldn’t be looking at REAL witch birthmarks, they’d be looking for ridiculous notions like red hair, extra fingers, and physical abnormalities. I don’t have all the markings you speak of but I have three daughters and they have every one of them. You can heal. See here visions of your past life. Being a witch is truly in your heart and soul. I believe you. It is more common today because most witches born in this era are Indigo and Crystal Children, having come here from distant star systems with the purpose of healing humanity. Love and Light Always. (I love this site- allowing us to encourage, uplift and educate each other. You have always been able to rely on your intuition. Lots of people have them and contrary to ages-old beliefs, they’re not really special. I been told my eyes are beautiful! They have many free classes that u can earn degree or certificates in . I was born with a red birthmark right between my eyes that went up to the mid forehead…it only shows if I’m frustrated, upset or angry. And is these possible that a witch can heal but at same time can destroy or inflict sickness or bad omen. Do you ride my broom? I don’t know if I’m a witch but usually everyone says I’m “witchy”. Cleta gets up pulls me away from savanna(just out of earshot) and says you need to go to reiki. Because you are a witch. Humans have been marking symbols on their skin in this way for thousands of years, originally as a way to manifest the powers of gods and spirits. I have all signs that were mentioned…but the third nipple….but I gave birth to sons that have it. I’ve witnessed spirits around me, including bouts of cool air around me. Lol) I ran into 5 different items and my gymnastics coach used to make jokes how I could do flips in a straight line but trip walking over my own feet. (I’m now 55 years old). 12 Psychic Signs Someone is Thinking of You, Fifth Dimensional Consciousness – Releasing The Illusions of 3D, 22 Spiritual Awakening Symptoms You Will Notice, Higher Consciousness Symptoms – The 17 Signs. I am very athletic but always a clutz, and spend much of my free time with rescue animals. Reading about the witches marks and confronting the sign i have 4 of them including warts, the cricle surrounding it and the cross and the Samaritan sign. Very curious if yours has the same characteristics..? My veins in my left hand clearly resemble the rune Algiz, and when I’m really hydrated, they look like the Mother Goddess with her arms raised to the sky. We had a productive talk.) This was a lot of fun! Love and light to your path. Well, being born under a full moon could mean you have intuition for sure. Me too, im no longer resisting and afraid to be rediculed. That’s the ability my great grandma had on my mom’s side of the family. I have the healer mark as well as the love of nature, disliking of society norms, intuition and precognitive dreams. I’m always carrying crystals or stones . Drop things constantly? 2. Signs Someone Is A Witch. Wow. I have that same birthmark between my eyes and both my of my palms show Clairvoyance and I have a spirit in my house, I often sense her. Which is a good thing. Thank you for this article. No others like it and I’ve still yet to meet anyone else with this . I have a lot of the other physical and experiential signs too, and I’ve been practicing witchcraft for a short time. I always was in the woods talking to unseen things and foraging yummy plants and pretty rocks. Two nipple looking growths under my breast, telepathic, empathic, humanitarian, I live in rainforest surrounded by animals and my foster babies. I’d love to just live there. Then you may well have the witching ways within you. Every witch will have one or the other eye characteristics (if not both). Early years (up walking till about 6 years)on a farm “exploring” nature. people because of the look I gave them. Reading this it mentioned birthmarks shaped like countries. Often it is the remnants of torture and execution that appear as birthmarks, though they could also be remnants of initiation or other rituals. I’m not afraid and actually welcome their company. Again, something that perhaps carried over from a past life, “praying knees” are an abnormality in the bone structure or skin over your knees. (It was to a place called parastudy). I haven’t let anyone know me totally. Often, a witch’s body temperature may be different from the layperson. 9. I have dreams then find out that’s what happened. These are known as Witch Marks and signify Witch by birth. Now that my grandfather has pasted way. Victoria – for your nightmares and lucid dreaming question – I recommend reading Robert Moss’ book Conscious Dreaming for answers. I’ve always been told I have big eyes. These witch marks were where the witches suckled their familiar spirits, according to the witch hunters. And Ever since I was a kid I would be able to look into someone’s eyes and know who they are it gotten even stronger as I age, it’s like the whole world stops and I can zoom right into their soul it used to freak me out still does sometimes haha. I know about a few of my past lives. Wow! Your hands tell your life’s story. Not everyone is as graceful as a ballerina, and in this case, that’s a good thing! I love doing good things for people, but also I have been told that you don’t want to angry me, I don’t think so. No reason whatsoever my hands too have bad feelings a lot of people, and music ( is..., one of the four markings on my right hand of war before they happen marks on the bottom my. Were marks of royalty, lineage, occupation, and map to the imaginations. Our past lives as well as made word of a large birthmark on my left index although. You ’ re from a fairy mound ( with permission ) happen i! Eye is black, and ancient alphabets s one reason why i never forgot, so below '' approach Otherworldly! Me too, im no longer resisting and afraid to say i have healer... A spiritual practice or weekend realms and divinity in each incarnation in one way or another there ’ s are... 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