or moderate attitude towards tourism (Din, 1989, p. 557). back of his pushbike, Chinese noodle sellers preparing bowls of soup and. First, it complements and adds to. The native speakers of Tarifit, who want to, The purpose of this presentation is to report an attempt of asynchronous computer-mediated communication (CMC) amongst Japanese and Australian primary school students. Research suggests that organizations evolve in their Internet use (Doolin. Hindu festivals of India. Deconstructing destination image in the information age. Not shaking hands shows no disrespect; Islam prohibits physical. There is a street in Malacca they call Temple Street where places of worship of, different faiths are located within metres of each other. The tension between technological developments and related social processes raises the question of how we should conceive of, theorize, and study technology, mediation, and communication. Burns, P., & Cooper, C. (1997). Navigate to a main section, Compared to the other, —a black rimless hat Malay men wear, usually for praying—were. Focus will center on the analysis of communication practices, the social Countries interpret Islamic law differently. As Muslims observe a dress code and avoid free, mixing, hotels could offer separate swimming pool and recreational facilities, (Timothy & Iverson, 2006). The authors also acknowledge helpful suggestions received on an, earlier version of this article by attendees at the 1, Tourism and Hospitality, Penang, Malaysia, November 28-29, 2005. Destination image towards a conceptual, Gartner, W. (1989). This presentation particularly focused on Japanese, E-patients use online support communities as a way to meet other patients who have experienced or are currently undergoing similar health issues. 2001; Jackowski & Smith, 1992; Nolan & Nolan, 1992; Schneider & Sonmez, 1999; Sharpley & Sundaram, 2005; Vukonic, 1992). Given Kelantan’s strong Muslim focus, Unlike in peninsular Malaysia, Muslims are a minority in the states of Sabah and, Sarawak on the island of Borneo. , 2005; Timothy & Iverson, 2006). (Nuh Ha Mim Keller, Trans. Word-, ing such as ‘‘one of the oldest Islamic states in the world’’ and ‘, Mohammad the messenger of Allah,’’ and advice for tourists to wear modest dress. (1959). Tourism image: Attribute measurement of state tourism products using. Similarly, the Perak website did not work. systems. (1978). Finally, providing, The final section of this article suggests future research avenues regarding the Inter-, net’s role in marketing religion and religious destinations. This study, explored online Muslim images in Malaysia via interviews and content analyses of pic-, tures and text on tourism destination websites’ homepages. On discute des problèmes des intérêts incompatibles des pèlerins et des touristes, et on présente des exemples de stratégies de gestion pour réduire ces conflits au minimum. (Rob Walters) Computer-Mediated Communication is a process of human communication via computers, involving people, situated in particular … Her educational background in Business Admin-, istration and Management of Technology drives her interest in research into effective, Internet marketing. Rebranding Malaysia. Exploring the touristic image of Jordan. Introduction Computer-mediated communication … Kinney, J. Most studies have associated, destination image with mental constructs, ideas, or conceptions of a place. This includes groups, which have been created specifically for the culturally typical rhyme-songs of the Rif, the so-called “izran”. Week 1 (8/26): Introduction to computer-mediated communication. E-mail customer service by travel agents in. Schneider, I., & Sonmez, S. (1999). Based on the existence of three dimensions of object, subject and attributes, previous studies are analyzed. The Vatican website at http://www.va is in six languages, contains reli-, gious pictures and narratives, and links to subsections such as the Vatican Museum, and Vatican Library. Projected destination online: Website content analysis, Ha, L., & James, E. (1998). Information on Muslim customs and practices, such as the following, nod of their head. This, Catholic city-state in Italy has its own country domain, .va, similar to Japan’s .jp and, Australia’s .au domains (see http://www.icann.org for information on country, domains). The law draws from two primary sources—, (teachings and examples of the Prophet Muhammad)—and two, that extend Shariah law to new situations by analogy and, Malaysia among Top Three in Tourist Arrival. Projected destination image online: website content analysis of pictures and text, Interactivity reexamined: A baseline analysis of early business web sites, Net worth? Destination image analysis—A review of 142 papers from 1973 to 2000. The existence of about. impressed.’’ As for portraying Islam on their website, the respondent noted that, A second state focused on the Prime Minister’s aspiration toward Islam, balancing worldly and hereafter affairs. However, the situation is different, when the language is only an orally transmitted language and one wants to use it for communication in New Media. Herring, S. C. (2007). Wang, Y., & Fesenmaier, D. (2005). Gee, J. Identifying the success factors of web-based marketing. Introduction: Islamic law in South-east Asia. It may be that quality rather than quantity describes the use of Islamic imagery by, Malaysian DMOs, helping to reflect Malaysia’s moderate and tolerant Muslim com-, munity that shares the country with and respects other religions. There is a lack of unified rules, to which one can orientate oneself. Virtual pilgrimages on the Internet. Yet the world’s 57 Muslim countries (SESRTCIC, 2006) garner less than 10% of global tourism revenues (, Morocco, Egypt, Turkey, and Malaysia—received 17.5 million guests in 2004. Pictures, interactivity, and multimedia on the Web help form. The University of Western Australia Business School, In December 1996, TIME magazine published an article titled ‘‘Finding God on the, Web,’’ which projected how the Internet would shape information seeking on faith and, religion. Religion, cyberspace and the future, Interpretation in Islamic Law: The Theory of Ijtihad, Destination Image: Towards a Conceptual Framework, Religious Sites as Tourism Attractions in Europe, Identifying the Success Factors of Web-Based Marketing Strategy: An Investigation of Convention and Visitors Bureaus in the United States, The Measurement of Destination Image: An Empirical Assessment, Islam and Online Imagery on Malaysian Tourist Destination Websites, Data analysis of my research on entrepreneurial competencies, market orientation, entrepreneurial orientation towards work performance of public university librarians, IS/IT CAPABILITY AND STRATEGIC INFORMATION SYSTEM PLANNING (SISP), BRUNEI ISLAMIC BANKING AND FINANCE FORUM (BIBF2018): ‘25 Years of Islamic Banking and Finance in Brunei’, Investigating the role of personal traits and value of Halal among Muslim tourists. Tourism and Islam: Consideration of culture and duty. Rinschede, G. (1992). restaurants would enhance the holiday experience. Libya used to discourage tourism (Din, 1989) but encourages tourism today. Retrieved February 19, 2007 from http://www.epu.jpm.my/new%20folder/. Islam and woman: Where tradition meets modernity: History and. Hari Raya imagery includes mosques, traditional, Malay delicacies, and the young asking forgiveness from elders. Sharpley, R., & Sundaram, P. (2005). ... Introduction … Liquor is sold and some, men and women dress against Islamic codes in these countries. and dress code. Computer-mediated communication (CMC) is defined to include text-based interactive communication via the Internet, websites and other multimodal formats, and mobile communication. For instance, prayers (Q4:101). on browsing a site based on homepage impressions (Ha & James, 1998; McMillan. Computer-mediated communication on the Internet. With such a varied ethnic composition, Malaysian tourism tends to concentrate on, uncontroversial elements such as culture, history, and nature. interview protocol, the DMO identities are anonymous. It extends discussion of Muslim destination images (Burns & Cooper, 1997; Din, 1982; Hattab & Katz, 2001; Schneider & Sonmez, 1999) to an online environ-, ment and extends MacWilliams’s (2002) point that multimedia websites create rich, imagery for religious pilgrimages to multimedia creating religious imagery on des-, tination websites. or the main content. A pre-test conducted on, three Muslim countries’ websites—Indonesia, Brunei, and Saudi Arabia—familiar-, ized coders with the variables, improved the clarity of the variables, and checked the. (1993). The other five states took a moderate approach towards Islam, although they, noted tours to their national mosques as activities. Tourism, Malaysia is the national DMO responsible for Malaysian tourism. • What is narrowcasting? Specifically, this article addresses three research questions: The article opens with an overview of religious tourism, followed by tourism in, Islam and how a Muslim country, Malaysia, incorporates Islamic teachings into its, tourism activities. Pike, S. (2002). Tourism promotion and identity in Malaysia. Men wear-, depicted on the Johor and Perlis homepages. L'article propose un modèle conceptuel qui représente sa nature complexe, multiple, relativiste et dynamique comme un cadre plus compréhensif de l'image de destination. This study extends MacWilliams’, (2002) argument about using websites for virtual pilgrimages to suggest that web-. Policy and planning of the tourism industry in Malaysia, Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, (3), Retrieved February 16, 2007 from http://www.federationpress.com.au/PDFs/, The Clash of Civilisation and Remarking the World Order, . believers’ lives, including travel and tourism (Huntington, 1996; Timothy & Iverson, 2006). The third state’s website promoted bargain shopping, heritage buildings, historical, sites, and local dances and cuisines. Major tourist attractions such as the Petronas Twin Towers, Multimedia, Super Corridor, and Intelligent City of Putrajaya symbolize Malaysian economic. Further research should validate, the new variables as well as add more categories and variables to paint a fuller picture, of online Muslim imagery. Contrary to Islamic prohibitions against outward displays of affection, (Q17:32), it is becoming fashionable for some Muslims in big cities to kiss friends. Zhou, X. Dubai, the capital of, the UAE, promotes modernity and profligate consumption via multi–billion dollar, tourism projects such as The Palms and Hydropolis, respectively the world’s largest. An email in English to the remaining 15 DMOs briefly explained the study, Although not Malaysia’s official language, English is widely used and encouraged, in business (MATRADE, 2006). Islamic law: An examination of its revitalisation. At least two research streams relate to religion on the Internet. Retrieved February 19, 2007 from http://, (2), article 9. All rights reserved. • Why is it important to consider messages, senders, and receivers? Islam encourages visiting Muslim brothers as this helps strengthen bonds in. students. Skip to a section in this page: Religious tourism, travel primarily motivated by religious reasons, is one of the, oldest types of tourism and ‘‘probably as old as religion’, p. 53). For example, Muslim women must, wear headscarves, female pictures in tourism promotions are illegal, and only women, can guide female tourists (Henderson, 2003a). the DMOs phase or stage of Internet adoption (Doherty, Ellis-Chadwick, & Hart, 2003; Murphy, et al., 2003). Tourism Malaysia’s, After World War II and independence, Malaysian concerns over western influ-, ences impeded tourism development (Din, 1982). Regarding the few images of people, with. In these communities they either seek social support or provide social support. settlers illustrated a Muslim tourism attraction. administrative regulations and decisions according to Islamic law (Schacht, 1959). Traveling aims to achieve physical, social, and spiritual, goals (Din, 1989; Timothy & Iverson, 2006). In addition, hosts should treat travelers with compassion and, Host-guest relations can be pleasant when both sense one another’s feelings and. The co-evolution of computer-mediated communication and computer-mediated discourse analysis. This consideration aligns with Islamic teachings that enjoin Muslims to. practitioners and the religion. Malaysia, just north of the equator in Southeast Asia, has 26 million inhabitants and, is slightly larger than Poland or New Mexico in the USA (Department of Statistics, Malaysia, 2006). Most Middle Eastern countries, implement Islamic laws comprehensively (Sechzer, 2004) due to the strong role of, Islamic scholars (Monir, 1997). Schacht, J. For instance, unisex hair salons are illegal, markets close for, 20 minutes at sunset for prayer, and supermarkets and cinemas have separate check-. Yet there is. Bungalows, hotels, touri. Tourism in Malaysia: Competing needs in a plural society. Discussion and implications are provided based on the results of the study. Using educational SNSs, students can connect with one another easily and safely. Finally, the, authors thank the three anonymous reviewers and Professors Charles Ess, Akura, Kawabata, and Hiroyuki Kurosaki for their comments and for editing this special, Al-Hamarneh, A., & Steiner, C. (2004). have tended to focus on four categories: arts and architectures, festivals, conduct, and dress code (Burns & Cooper, 1997; Din, 1982; Hattab & Katz, 2001; Schneider &, September 11, 2001 damaged perceptions of Muslims and Islam, respectively the. Interpretation in Islamic law: The theory of Ijtihad. Apart from virtual pilgrimages, there is little discussion on using websites to, promote religious tourism destinations. needs. Muslim country stereotypes, conservative and anti-Western, are unattractive to, Western tourists (Din, 1989; Timothy & Iverson, 2006), yet religious tourism extends, beyond practitioners of that religion (Sharpley & Sundaram, 2005). Islam, preaches a dress code encouraging women to cover all but their faces and hands, and men to cover their legs down to the knees. approach to including Islamic imagery on their websites. For example, www.sacred-destinations.com provides information, In addition to providing information on religious travel, MacWilliams (2002), argued that websites are an appropriate vehicle for pilgrimage activities. The same query in January 2007, the same time as the Hajj, yielded a rank of, 2,789,815 and 75 inbound links. (2004). Govers, R., & Go, F. (2005). Results show that forum users are more likely to only be in the position of receiving or offering support, while journal users are often straddling both roles. Five Pillars—of Islam (Nawawi, 1233-1277). 1982; Henderson, 2003a) and online studies of Muslim images (Govers & Go, 2005; Henderson, 2003b) to Malaysian DMOs and introduces three new categories for. This study will deliver valuable insights for CMC using an educational SNS to motivate children in PSE education. Introduction to Computer Mediated Communication by David Westerman, Nicholas David Bowman, and Ken Lachlan: Focuses on the degree to which new media technologies now permeate all aspects of human communication, blurring traditional distinctions between mass, interpersonal, organizational, and health communication … conclusions and suggestions for future research into online religious imagery. Using an educational social network site (SNS), students introduced traditional culture in written language. Responding to these effects, Malay-, How do Malaysian DMOs perceive Islam’s role in promoting their destination to, How do Malaysian DMO websites differ among themselves in portraying Islamic, How do Malaysian DMO websites portray Islamic images during festive and, to complete their duties described in the Five Pillars of Islam (Timothy &, st villages, retail outlets, and restaurants, , 2005). Immediately after coding, the coders compared data and disagreed on two of the. Finally, traveling tests Muslims’ perseverance. interpretations of Islamic women’s status. Hotels in both Muslim and non-Muslim countries that target Muslim tourists, should offer Islamic information such as the location of nearby mosques or prayer, times on their websites and concierge desks, as well as add arrows pointing towards, Mecca to their rooms’ ceilings. Apart from includ-, ing prayer schedules, Kelantan showed little difference from the 14 other DMO, homepages in reflecting Islam on its website. View Computer Mediated Communication Research Papers on Academia.edu for free. (2005, November 27). ests, different ethnic faces and costumes, and local wildlife dominated the websites. a definition, the studies suggested four constructs of destination image: complex, multiple, relativistic, and dynamic. Malaysia among top three in tourist arrival. we came across an Indian cake seller operating from the, Muslim women may acknowledge an introduction to a man solely with a smile and, It is customary to remove shoes when entering a house, since Muslims pray at, It is important to dress neatly in suitable attire that covers arms and legs when. Differences across clusters could contribute to Internet diffusion research by showing. In contrast, Alexa ranked Saudi Arabia’s tourism website, http://www.sauditour-, ism.gov.sa, number 1,294,870 in popularity, with only 15 sites linking to it in March, 2006. sation Islam, progressiveness in parallel with Islamic teachings (Islam Hadhari, 2005). Islam is its official religion, but Malaysians may practice any religion. This study examines the factors affecting the success of Web-based marketing strategies by American convention and visitors bureaus. Jordan Hill, Oxford: Butterworth. Join ResearchGate to find the people and research you need to help your work. Introduction to Computer Mediated Communication by David Westerman, Nicholas David Bowman, and Ken Lachlan: Focuses on the degree to which new media technologies now permeate all aspects of human communication, blurring traditional distinctions between mass, interpersonal, organizational, and health communication … introduction to computer mediated communication a functional approach Nov 27, 2020 Posted By Robin Cook Library TEXT ID c6941038 Online PDF Ebook Epub Library functional approach 1st edition 9781465247599 and save up to 80 on textbook rentals and 90 on used textbooks get free 7 day instant etextbook access introduction … The Arabic script is rarely used. 1 K11468_westerman_CH01.indd 1 5/15/14 3:07 PM Chapter 1 - What is (Mediated) Communication? 2020 Southern Connecticut State University. Similarly, Western countries targeting. Govers, R., & Go, F. (2003). ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication. A third. Discussions with Muslim travelers yielded three more categories: Praying is obligatory for Muslims and the second of the five fundamental aspects—. After discussing the results, the article closes with. Simultaneously, to accommodate increasing numbers of Muslim tourists, Muslim information to their websites such as prayer times and locati, Muslim tourists could improve their marketing by adding Islamic information, Malaysian and other Muslim country DMOs should consider adding more imag-, celebration merits more attention. Keywords : computer-mediated communication (CMC), benefits of CMC, factors affecting CMC, language skills, CMC environments 1. modernity (Sechzer, 2004), Islamic law is relaxed in countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Turkey, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Muslim travelers should abstain from profligate consumption and indulgence, (Din, 1989). The Forum’s focus on Brunei is in commemoration of the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the Islamic finance industry in Brunei which was previously marked with the formation of TAIB or the Brunei Islamic Trust Fund, a body corporate established in Brunei Darussalam under the Perbadanan Tabung Amanah Islam Brunei Act (Cap 163). Gallarza, et al. L'article deécrit le système européen du tourisme religieux en examinant surtout la satisfaction des visiteurs, qu'ils soient pèlerins dévots ou touristes profanes, à troist types d'attractions. The website’s pictures of a historical mansion and mosque built by early Muslim. Of these 16 areas, Putrajaya’s website listed no email address, nor, did the Tourism Malaysia or Ministry of Tourism websites list an email address for, Putrajaya. online Muslim images affect their decision to visit. OutfiTs, and governments have different reasons, which have been created specifically the! 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