First make sure that your yard is secure and your turtle can’t leave it, or simply make a smaller part of the yard secure and that should also be fine. how to know if a turtle is pregnant About the Author. You can easily tell if a turtle is pregnant by looking for visual and behavioral changes. A look at how to tell if your turtles has eggs. I know that it might seem a little weird, but you really need to check this first. After 15 years of age, it's very difficult to tell the age, as the rings get closer and closer together. How Much Do Turtles Cost? Excel templates. Not everybody has the time to take care of turtle eggs, and then baby turtles, so it’s completely understandable if you don’t want to keep them. This might mean your turtle is always basking, or they might completely stop. She will try to dig holes, she will try to climb over, she will try to swim through the glass, everything that can be done she will do it. Turtle Sign . One key sign that your turtle is pregnant is if she starts digging at the basking platform. There are quite a few behavioral changes that occur when a turtle is pregnant. Symptoms include a lack of appetite, lethargy, swelling of the eyelids, swelling of the ear, kidney failure, and respiratory infections. This is because in the wild a turtle usually digs and makes a nest for their turtle eggs. So, in order to find out if your turtle is pregnant you can either try to feel her palstroon and see if you can feel any eggs, or you can look at her behavior and see if there are any major changes. If the eggs are not fertilized then you can just throw them away, no babies will come out of them at this point. None of it's brothers and sisters were around so I think it may have been dropped by a bird. Normally when the eggs are hard enough, they should slightly press against the shell. You should slide your fingers up the side of the turtle to feel around their stomach. While overeating is not the most common response of a turtle when she is pregnant, it can still happen, after all every turtle is different from the rest, and they all have a different personality. A Turtles usually lay eggs in the spring as the temperature outside increases. Then you should definitely be able to tell the difference if you stick your fingers into your female turtle’s shell and feel eggs. You will pay attention to two body parts. (With 20 Examples and Pictures), link to Do Turtles Smell? Try to avoid any kind of pesticides or fertilizers, they are bad for the turtle. After this article you are going to be able to find out if your turtle is pregnant or not, and if she is what you have to do. For egg-bound pregnant female turtles, an injection may help your turtle pass the eggs. Snapping turtles usually lay 20-40 eggs at one time. So you won’t be able to tell if your turtle is pregnant just by looking, but there is still something that you can do. If you don’t have the time to take care of the eggs you can just throw them away. If there is like a bump or something it may be the eggs. If your turtle is male then there is no chance of him being pregnant. Hello, I am Cecelia, I am a huge animal lover, so much so that I decided to become a veterinary, and at the moment I am studying at Université de Montréal. The reason why most turtles end up smelling is because... We are a passionate group of writers and researchers who write about pet turtles and tortoises. I will tell you what to visually look for then show you how to simply justf eel for the eggs. Even if your turtle doesn’t have that much space to search for a place to lay its eggs, it will still search for one, it’s their natural response to this situation. A pregnant turtle will also display behavioral changes like: changes in her diet, basking habits and she will try to escape the tank. The only safe thing to do is assume that she is. She may be desperately trying to find a nesting site. After you put the mixture in the container spray some water over the soil until it’s a little moist, after that partially cover the container with the lid, this way the turtle will have a lit area and a slightly dimmer area where she can lay the eggs. So a better way to find out if your turtle is pregnant is to look at changes in her behavior. Turtles commonly suffer from vitamin A deficiency, respiratory diseases, abscesses, shell infections, shell fractures, and parasites. These signs appear after 3 weeks of pregnancy.First signs...You can not tell about the pregnancy in dogs immediately after mating. The world of Excel lessons. If you don’t want to risk breaking the eggs or hurting the turtle you can always go to a vet, most of them have a lot of experience in doing this. If she is pregnant you should be able to feel the egg, if your turtle is under the age of five it cannot lay eggs so it isn't pregnant but if its over five it could be pregnant 0 1 Paniz Alavi So you won’t be able to tell if your Box turtle is pregnant just by looking, but there is still something that you can do. However, if she is showing the behavior mentioned in the article, you can set up a nest area in the cage is space permits, or remove the turtle to a large container (i.e. Can pet turtles have babies? When both leg and arms are white from the inside. There are many signs that a turtle is gravid and needs to lay her eggs, and not all turtles will show all of these signs. My goal with TurtleHolic is simple: educate others to not make the same mistakes I did. Mix the organic soil with some sand and then fill about two thirds of the container with the mixture. So, when the turtle is on top of the female turtle, he has to reach his tail under the posterior end of the female’s shell, which allows for the male’s cloaca to enter the female’s cloaca. After a bit of digging, a turtle egg will show up! Is she trying to dig through the bottom of the enclosure, climb out of the enclosure or swim through the sides of the tank? If your turtle has eggs, the eggs will naturally press up against your fingers. So if you turtle is showing all of those signs then you should try to feel the carapace, or even better go to the vet and let him check. Some things to look for include: The turtle is frantically trying to get out of the habitat. In general all changes in behavior mean that something is happening to your turtle. Yes, if the eggs are not fertilized, sometimes turtles will eat the eggs if they are hungry. That being said, with my simple technique, it is very easy to tell when your turtle has eggs. After you are sure that your turtle has no way to escape you can take her outside and let her find a good spot in the yard to lay her eggs. Depending on the turtle specie, you may want to cover the top about two-thirds closed with the lid or a piece of cardboard to simulate twilight, cover it completely to simulate nighttime, or leave … One key sign that your turtle is pregnant is if she starts digging at the basking platform. Leave a Reply 0 comments * * Hi, I'm J and I'm the turtle-obsessed creator of this website. Sorry. The fact that your turtle is pregnant shouldn’t change the way you take care of her. When you feel one of these bumps you can gently press on that spot and see if the egg moves. 1. My turtle is pregnant what do I do? If your turtle is pregnant you might find her trying to dig in the substrate of the tank, or in the basking area. Lastly, pregnant turtles usually become very restless. Since tortoises are stuck inside relatively unmoving and non-elastic shells, there isn’t going to be a noticeable baby bump. The period can differ a lot based on the species, but in general it can last anywhere from 3 to 6 months. Hi, I'm Dillon and I'm the turtle-obsessed creator of this website. So if the eggs are not fertilized no baby turtle will come out of them so you can basically do whatever you want with them. If it is concave -- dents upward toward the inside of the turtle -- you have a boy. Ask Question Asked 5 years, 4 months ago. There are a few turtles that like to overeat in a situation like this. The process is not very difficult but you will have to do a few things to make sure that the eggs will hatch. A pregnant turtle will have small bumps from the eggs on her plastron. All you should do is just rest your fingers inside the shell. Blog; Cookie Policy; Site Map; how to tell if a turtle is pregnant I don't know if your turtles are big enough to mate yet. If so, then she may be gravid. How to tell if your tortoise is pregnant. This is the simplest and usually the best way to do things. A lot of people believe that turtles smell bad, but this couldn’t be farther from the truth. I recommend using your pointer fingers, as you can see in the picture below. It is really helpful if you also have a male turtle you can test this technique on. Red Eared Sliders usually lay 2-20 eggs at one time. I am also the proud owner of one dog, 2 turtles and 24 fishes. The best way to tell if your box turtle is pregnant is by the way she acts. Even if your turtle shows behavioral changes similar to a pregnant turtle, if it’s a boy it could mean something completely different. If the eggs are fresh you can safely cook and eat them if you want. Green sea turtles usually lay around 100 eggs at one time. In sea turtles, the male and females can both grow to the same size. The first one is to put one finger on the plastron and move it all over the plastron and see if you feel any bumps. Painted Turtles usually lay 4-10 eggs at one time. Before placing the turtle in the container make sure that the temperature of the room is not too cold or too hot, and that there are no other people around, or other animals that can disturb the turtle. You should use those methods when your turtle seems really desperate to get out of it’s tank. We are a passionate group of writers and researchers who write about pet turtles and turtles in general. If you suspect she is pregnant she needs to be handeled as little as possible, keep her cage and water really clean, and remove the male. You just have to offer her a proper place to lay her eggs when the time comes, so this shouldn’t impact you too much. Turtles are one of the most popular house pets in the world. The amount of eggs a turtle lays at once is entirely dependent on the breed of turtle. Turtles usually choose to lay their eggs in places with wet earth. This is because in the wild a turtle usually digs and makes a nest for their turtle eggs. The container has to be a big one, otherwise the turtle will feel trapped in and won’t feel comfortable enough to lay the eggs. If they have and the female is pregnant, you can palpate for eggs through the shell opening by the rear legs. If you live in a house with a yard and it’s warm outside then you can go outdoors, if you don’t have access to a yard or it’s cold outside then you should go indoors. Then there is a good chance that the eggs are fertilized. Unfortunately the visual signs are not too easy to spot. Restlessness. A pregnant turtle will also display behavioral changes like: changes in her diet, … Every year makes the world a better place for thousands of pet turtles, but right now we are having trouble keeping the site online. Similarly, if your veterinarian suspects your sick turtle has ingested foreign material, or if your turtle has suffered physical trauma, surgery may be necessary. We hope you will enjoy the site and that you will find what you’re looking for.​. If you don’t know how to check if your turtle is male or female check this article out: How to Tell If Your Turtle Is Male or Female (with Pictures). When they reach...Pregnant dogs show some early and late signs. I have three Red Eared Slider Turtles, one female and two male, and they have been showing signs of courtship. If the area is soft, you are feeling its viscera; if you notice something spherical and hard, your tortoise is pregnant While abdominal palpation is the most reliable method to verify the pregnancy of a tortoise, there are also behavioral signs that it is pregnant. Or you can alway try to eat them, I personally haven’t tried them but I heard that they taste similar to chicken eggs. You can tell by feeling the carapace (near the hind leg) When you feel the carapace you can definetly feel the eggs. Hello, It can be difficult to know when the turtle is ready to produce eggs unless a radiograph is taken. Gently press one or two of your fingers on the side of the abdomen to palpate. Even if the whole process of laying the eggs can take between 2 and 3 hours, your turtle might have a specific time of the day when she wants to lay her eggs, so the best thing that you can do is to clace the container in a well naturally lit room, and leave her the entire day at her disposal, some turtles might want to lay their eggs in the morning, some during the night, there is specific time that turtles lay eggs at. Viewed 3k times 8. A pregnant turtle will try to dig a lot. When breeding turtles, knowing how to tell if your turtle is about to lay eggs can help you prepare a nesting area or get the incubator ready. If you want to keep the eggs or you are just curious how you can take care of turtle eggs then check out this article: How to Take Care of Turtle Eggs. Required fields are marked *. Okay so I've always sorta been a whore. The truth is that it is much harder to tell when a turtle is pregnant since the eggs are concealed and underneath the shell. Feel both sides, and gently looks some eggs. Here is a chart with all of the popular breeds of turtles together. But taking care of turtle eggs is another subject that I’ve already covered in another article. Now that the eggs have been laid you basically have two options, and which one you will choose depends if the eggs are fertilized or not, and the time you have at your disposal. How long do turtles stay pregnant? If your turtle is gravid (pregnant) you should be able to feel the eggs inside of her. There is no way to tell from her appearance if your turtle is gravid. we have an adopted red eared slider and wonder if she is pregnant but have no idea how to tell. A turtle will have rings whether in captivity or the wild. Yes, pet turtles are biologically just like wild turtles, so they can have babies just like wild turtles can. 1. Box Turtles usually lay 5 eggs at one time. No. The basking habits of a pregnant turtle will also change. The outdoors method is ideal because you don’t have to do too much and is similar to what happens when a turtle is pregnant in the wild. If this doesn’t work, surgery is another option. The first step in telling if a turtle is pregnant is by noticing a change in behavior. A pregnant turtle will have small bumps from the eggs on her plastron. Here are the most common ones. My boyfriend and I are trying to breed them and I'm pretty sure my female is pregnant. Answer (1 of 6): They reach breeding maturity at 5 years of age, when shell size is about 15 cm or 6 in. A turtle that is pregnant will usually have a change in their basking routine. When a turtle is pregnant she will do everything that she can to get out of the tank. Male turtles tend to have larger and wider tails than females. If you find our articles helpful, and you like our site we would like to ask for your help. If you use chemical fertilizers for your flowers, or plants, you should try to keep the turtle away from them, it’s not good for their health. So before you start checking if your turtle is pregnant first make sure that it’s a female turtle and not a male turtle. Your email address will not be published. You shouldn’t press your fingers hard into their stomach. I recently got a turtle at the pet store for free because she is to large to fit in their tank after someone left her there. Usually a pregnant turtle will eat a lot less, or she won’t eat at all, the reason they do this is because they prefer to spend their time searching for a suitable nesting site, instead of eating. A turtle can cost anywhere between $10 and $100... Do Turtles Smell? A pregnant turtle might also have a change in their eating habits. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Boys have longer and thicker tails. If there is your turtle is gravid. You can gently touch the lower part of the carapace and see if you feel small bumps, those bumps are the eggs inside the turtle, they are very hard to see but you can definitely feel them. Years ago when I got my first turtle, I … After counting the rings, take a guess at the turtle's age. Just like in this picture: Don’t pick your turtle by the plastron and the top of the shell, this can damage the eggs if your turtle is pregnant. You would see signs if the turtle had eggs..restless, no interest in food, etc., so don’t worry; not all do so…a musk turtle in my collection is 45 years old, and only produced eggs after mating…very variable. And if your turtle is truly pregnant then you still have work to do. When the ultrasound technician is looking for a boy, they are looking for something called the turtle sign.This is where you can see the tip of the penis peeking out from behind the testicles. Turtles don’t have a strong natural smell. When turtles are pregnant you should be able to feel the eggs by gently touching the plastron (the lower side of the shell) of your turtle. In this article I am going to share with you everything that I found out during my research and from my talk with the vet. I hope this article answers all of your questions, but if you still have some unanswered questions you can always leave a comment down below and I will answer it as soon as possible. Yes. They will start moving around the tank more sporadically, and probably will display new behaviors they have never showed before. If you want you can always incubate the eggs. not even positive this is a female but … A pregnant turtle will try to get out of the tank. Years ago when I got my first turtle, I made a ton of mistakes. The best way to know if a turtle is pregnant is to look at her behavior. That I’ve already covered in another article into your female turtle’s shell and feel eggs turtle’s shell feel! Adopted red eared Sliders usually lay 20-40 eggs at one time start checking if your turtle has eggs appear. By looking for visual and behavioral changes similar to a pregnant turtle will begin nesting and for... 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