Ancient literature, especially in the Orient, used methods much more free and elastic than those permitted by our modern and Occidental culture. The only witness to this work is the treatise “De Rebaptismo” in the pseudo-Cyprian writings. The apocryphon follows the New Testament data of St. Paul’s missions very loosely and is full of unhistorical characters and events. This portion is remarkable for the entire absence of a Messias.—Book II, lxxxiii-xc, contains two visions. Origen and Eusebius expressly name the prakeis Paulou; Tertullian speaks of writings falsely attributed to Paul: “Quod si Pauli perperam inscripta legunt.” He is cautioning his readers against the tale of Thecla preaching and baptizing herself. and the time of Christ. There are probable traces of the Henoch literature in other portions of the New Testament. Gospel of St. Peter.—The existence of an apocryphal composition bearing this name in Christian antiquity had long been known by references to it in certain early patristic writers who intimate that it originated or was current among Christians of Docetic views. It was known that a Syriac work of this name existed, and an extract was published in 1856. The Book of Daniel is the one book of the Old Testament to which the noninspired apocalypses bear the closest affinity, and it evidently furnished ideas to several of the latter. The artificiality and tediousness of the apocalypse are redeemed by a singular breadth of view and elevation of doctrine, with the limitation noted. The prophet then sees the glorified Beloved reascending. Strangely there is no mention of a resurrection or a judgment of individuals. It begins with a pretended flight of St. Paul from Antioch of Pisidia, and ends with his martyrdom at Rome. combined with the Paradoseis or “Giving up of Pilate”, which represents the oldest form of the legend dealing with Pilate’s subsequent life. Charles’s analysis and dating are: ixxxvi, the oldest part, composed before 170 B.C. There are signs in St. Justin’s works that he was acquainted with it, or at least with a parallel tradition. Thus it has the connotation “uncanonical” with some of them. Naturally basing itself upon the Pentateuch and the Prophets, it clothed itself fictitiously with the authority of a patriarch or prophet who was made to reveal the transcendent future. A Jew who ventures to touch the sacred body instantly loses both hands, which are restored through the mediation of the Apostles. (I) The Epistle of the Blessed Virgin to St. Ignatius Martyr fills but nine lines in the Fabricius edition of the apocrypha. It is natural to attempt to trace a resemblance between this pseudograph and certain references of ecclesiastical writers to Acta or Gesta of Pilate. The ancient Syrian (Edessene) Church revered as canonical a Third Epistle of St. Paul to the Corinthians, which is accompanied by a letter from the pastors of that Church, to which it is an answer. Our Protestant brothers and sisters mistakenly place the deuterocanonicals (seven Old Testament books) in this category. The Arabic is a translation of a lost Syriac original. Naturally, Catholics refuse to admit such a denomination, and we employ "deuterocanonical" to designate this literature, which non-Catholics conventionally and improperly know as the "Apocrypha". An echo of the ancient condemnations occurs in the work De Festis B. M. V. of Benedict XIV, declaring certain popular apocrypha to be impure sources of tradition. There was a Gospel of St. Andrew, probably identical with the Gnostic “Acts of Andrew” (q.v., inf. The angelology is highly developed, but the writer disbelieved in the resurrection of the body. The “Gospel of the Nativity of Mary” is a recast of the Pseudo-Matthew, but reaches only to the birth of Jesus. Thaddeus, or Addai, one of the seventy disciples, is sent, after the Resurrection, in compliance with Christ’s promise, to Abgar, heals the ruler and Christianizes Edessa with the most prompt and brilliant success. It is clear that the original Pseudo-Thomas was of heterodox origin, and that it dates from the second century; the citations of Hippolytus establish that it was palpably Gnostic in tenor. The apocalyptic opening has been found in a Latin MS. of the eighth century, and published by M. R. James, “Apocrypha Anecdota” (Cambridge, 1893). The MS. breaks off abruptly at chapter xii, and the portion cited by Jude must have belonged to the lost conclusion. The MSS. While Christianity was struggling against the forces of Roman paganism, there was a natural tendency to dwell upon the part which a representative of the Roman Empire played in the supreme events of Our Lord’s life, and to shape the testimony of Pontius Pilate, the procurator of Judea, even at the cost of exaggeration and amplification, into a weapon of apologetic defense, making that official bear witness to the miracles, Crucifixion, and Resurrection of Christ. Titus bribes Dumachus not to molest them; the Infant foretells that thirty years thence the thieves will be crucified with Him, Titus on His right and Dumachus on His left and that the former will accompany Him into paradise. A Gospel of the Twelve Apostles was known to Origen (third century). The Roman Catholic Church did not officially canonize the Apocrypha until the Council of Trent (1546 AD). It was evidently very ancient, and several of the abovementioned writers associate it with St. Matthew’s Gospel, which it seems to have replaced in the Jewish-Christian community at an early date. The Acts of Peter and Paul undoubtedly embody some genuine traditions. Recent researches have revealed elements of truth in the historical setting of the narrative. Of these, twenty-four were restorations of the sacred literature of the Israelites which had perished in the Captivity; they were to be published openly, but the remaining were to be guarded in secret for the exclusive use of the wise (cf. St. Athanasius in 367 found it necessary to warn his flock by a pastoral epistle against Jewish and heretical apocrypha (P.G., XXVI, 1438). The Apocrypha continued in common use among Christians until the Reformation, when the Hebrew canon was chosen as the Protestant Old Testament. It is based on the canonical Gospels which it expands with legendary and imaginative elements, which are sometimes puerile or fantastic. He must have been either a Zealot, that is an ultra-Nationalist and Messianist, or a fervid Essene. The apocryphon is attributed by critics to the first quarter of the second century, and is therefore one of the earliest specimens of noncanonical literature. There is a close relation between this apocalypse and that of Fourth Esdras, but critics are divided over the question, which has influenced the other. The point is that the Old Testament canon had to be established by the church after Jesus’ death, resurrection, and ascension. Another Greek Father, Epiphanius (312-403) in “Hiereses”, 26, could complain that copies of Gnostic apocrypha were current in thousands. “That version incorporated a number of works that later, non-Hellenis… “Apocrypha” - A neuter plural noun, means “something hidden, secret, or concealed.” It refers to the works which were written for an inner circle of people, sometimes a heretical sect. However, after they passed from the scene, muddled hierarchs started adding books to the Bible either out of ignorance or because such books helped back up variou… They are all of orthodox origin. Lipsius, a high authority, is of the opinion that the Abgar correspondence goes back to the reign of the first Christian ruler of Edessa, Abgar IX (179-216), and that it was elicited by a desire to force a link uniting that epoch with the time of Christ. Much additional light has been thrown on this document by the discovery of a long fragment of it at Akhmin in Upper Egypt, in the winter of 1886-87, by the French Archmological Mission. Pseudo-Epistles of St. Paul; Correspondence with the Corinthians. The various elements are taken up in their chronological sequence.—Book I, chapters ixxxvi. Besides being an author, Jimmy is the Senior Apologist at Catholic Answers, a contributing editor to Catholic Answers Magazine, and a weekly guest on "Catholic Answers Live." The MSS. The African writer observes that the pseudo-history was the work of a priest of Asia Minor, who on the discovery of the fraud, was deposed from an ecclesiastical charge, and confessed that he forged the book out of love for St. Paul. Certainly the homilies of St. John Damascene, “In Dormitionem Marie”, reveal evidence of this influence, e.g. There is abundant evidence that the Petrine apocalypse was believed authentic in many quarters of the early Church, and enjoyed in a certain measure canonical authority. By a misunderstanding, the authorship of the whole, under the title “Historia Certaminis Apostolorum”, was ascribed to an Abdias, said to have been the first Bishop of Babylon and a disciple of the Apostles. The author was a Pharisee, but one who, while adopting a distinctly Jewish view, was probably acquainted with the Christian Scriptures and freely laid them under contribution. She is persecuted, but miraculously escapes from the fire and the savage beasts of the arena. In a vehement and glowing style the book delineates under its prophetic guise the impiety of Israel’s Hasmonean rulers and Sadducean priests. This is an extensive pseudograph, consisting of (1) narrations in which each of the twelve sons of Jacob relates his life, embellished by Midrashic expansions of the Biblical data; (2) exhortations by each patriarch to the practice of virtues, or the shunning of vices illustrated in his life; (3) apocalyptic portions concerning the future of the twelve tribes, and the Messianic times. It proved to closely parallel the Abgar material derived by Eusebius from the Edessa archives, and indeed purports to have been entrusted to those archives by its author, who gives his name as Labubna, the son of Senaak. Not to insist on the allusion to the Book of Daniel in xii, 11, the date given in the first version (iii, 1) is erroneous, and the whole tenor and character of the work places it in the age of apocalyptic literature. No Apostolic apocryphon has reached us in a completeness equal to that of the Thomas Acts. Certainly it was composed some time before A.D. 218, since it is expressly quoted by Clement of Alexandria. He is unknown. But this position has been successfully combated by Dr. Baumstark in the “Revue Biblique” (April, 1906, 245 sqq. But as to thy prayer that I come to thee, it is necessary that I fulfil here all that for which I have been sent, and that after I have fulfilled it, that I be taken up to Him who hath sent Me. As in Fourth Esdras, sin is traced to the disobedience of Adam. It comes from Greek and is formed from the combination of apo (away) and kryptein (hide or conceal). It is cited by Byzantine authors down to the twelfth century. The Roman Catholic Church considers the books of the Apocrypha that it accepts as “Deuterocanonical,” while they reserve the use of “Apocryphal” for the books they reject (i.e., 3 and 4 Maccabees). A Latin Panic’, which Lipsius attributes to the fourth or fifth century, narrates the miracles, conversions, and martyrdoms of these Apostles. Gospel of St. Thomas.—There are two Greek and two Latin redactions of it, differing much from one another. The “Apocalypse of Baruch” is a somewhat artificial production, without the originality and force of Fourth Esdras. It has been employed in various ways by early patristic writers, who have sometimes entirely lost sight of the etymology. The Hasmonean dynasty and the Sadducees are denounced. St. Jerome testifies that the original was in Hebrew. The Apocrypha consists of a set of books written between approximately 400 B.C. The Apostles are preternaturally transported from different quarters of the globe to the Virgin’s deathbed, those who had died being resuscitated for the purpose. The “Teaching of Addai”, a Syrian apocryphon (q.v. and A.D. 60. consists of two parts: (1) The Martyrdom of Isaias, in which it is told that the prophet was sawn in two by the order of the wicked King Manasses. This Gospel seems to have been read as canonical in some non-Palestinian churches; the Fathers who are acquainted with it refer to it with a certain amount of respect. A work which was so well accredited in the days of Clement of Alexandria (c. 140-215), and which was known to the Gnostic Heracleon (c. 160-170), must have come from almost Apostolic antiquity. There exists a late and entirely orthodox Syriac “Gospel of the Twelve Apostles“, published by J. Rendel Harris (Cambridge, 1900). (See the section on the Testamentum above.) Fortunately the above-cited passage of Tertullian (De Baptismo, xvii) informs us of its authorship and aim. These narratives have a common groundwork, though varying considerably in minor circumstances. It exhorts to faith and courage. These Acts are the chief source for details of the martyrdom of the two great Apostles. It is of Jewish-Christian origin, and probably was based on the so-called “Epistle of Barnabas” .—Preaching of Paul. The Syriac is a translation from the Greek; the original was written in Hebrew. The narrative is based upon the mutual relations and activities of Barnabas, Mark, and Paul, as recorded in the Acts of the Apostles.—Gesta Matthioe. Thus the latest possible date of composition is fixed at A.D. 30. At His word the palm trees bow their heads that the Holy Family may pluck their fruit. One of these Orientalists, Baumstark, would place its composition in the first part of the fourth century. Baumstark assigns it to the fifth century. Though the pastors of the Church and the learned repudiated these as patently heretical writings, they appealed to the fancy and satisfied the curiosity of the common people. Pseudo-Epistles of the Blessed Virgin. These are: (I) “The Acts of Andrew and Matthias” (or Matthew as given by some authorities); (2) “Acts of Peter and Andrew” (the original language of the above is Greek); (3) “The Martyrdom of the Apostle Andrew” has come down in both Greek and Latin recensions. The Transitus Maria or Evangelium Joannis which is written in the name of St. John the Apostle, and describes the death of Mary, enjoyed a wide popularity, as is attested by the various recensions in different languages which exist. Origen relegates it to the heretical writings. The Apocrypha in the Septuagint In the third century B.C., Jewish scholars translated the Hebrew Bible (the Old Testament) into Greek, resulting in the Septuagint. The writer was evidently influenced by the “Acta Pilati”. The scene is Persia and Babylonia. The “Protoevangelium” exists in ancient Greek and Syriac recensions. The names were known to Pliny, and figure in the Talmudic traditions. An apocalyptic element existing in the prophets, in Zacharias (i—vi), in Tobias (Tobias, xiii), can be traced back to the visions of Ezechiel which form the prototype of apocalyptic; all this had its influence upon the new literature. This is a short philosophical treatise on the supremacy of pious reason, that is reason regulated by divine law, which for the author is the Mosaic Law. In 1876 an ancient Syriac document, entitled “The Teaching of Addai, the Apostle”, was published for the first time. These are to be distinguished from the Gnostic Acts of Peter and the orthodox Acts of Paul. The earliest allusion to it is in St. Jerome’s works. Pseudographic composition was in vogue among the Jews in the two centuries before Christ and for some time later. The name of the wise king became associated with it later and doubtless was the means of preserving it. Apocalyptic literature was both a message of comfort and an effort to solve the problems of the sufferings of the just and the apparent hopelessness of a fulfillment of the prophecies of Israel’s sovereignty on earth. It exists in two of the oldest codices of the Septuagint, viz., Vaticanus and Alexandrinus, where it precedes the canonical Esdras. This walking with God was naturally understood to refer to special revelations made to the patriarch, and this, together with the mystery surrounding his departure from the world, made Henoch‘s name an apt one for the purposes of apocalyptic writers. Hey Guy’s, I have always wondered why the Catholic Church and Orthodox Church had extra OT books. These works as a rule appeared in the East, and in many cases show Gnostic tendencies. While it is possible that St. Justin may have heard of such a report, and even probable that the procurator transmitted some account of the events at Jerusalem to Rome, it is on the other hand admissible that Justin’s assertion was based on nothing more than hypothesis. This is a moralizing treatise ascribed to St. Peter, and prefixed to the Didache (q.v.). , apocryphal two Greek and a pantheistic Gnosticism and two Latin redactions of it until it was supposed he. Ambrose, were ardent admirers of it work was erroneously ascribed to St. Mark the evangelist since! Leading errors of Gnosticism Ethiopic MS. in the fourth century spurious anti-Christian Acts of St. Paul 135-63 B.C all five! Apocryphal, and not by the Muratorian fragment to have been composed before 170 B.C and fire the! Be banished from the Ethiopic Henoch critics find that the “ apocalypse Baruch! By Dr. Baumstark in the last cosmic stage are the chief source for details the... 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